CPMA Marker
CPMA Marker Dedication Program
NC State Historical Marker
On August 27th at 9:30 AM a large crowd gathered to dedicate the G. B. Cashwell Historical Marker as it was unveiled before a crowd of approximately 250 people. This is the first historical marker to be erected in Dunn, North Carolina since 1949 which honored General William C. Lee, a native son known as the “Father of the Airborne” according to Mr. Michael Hill of the North Carolina Historical Research Branch. This historical marker some 61 years later is once again to honor a native son of Dunn, North Carolina Bishop Gaston Barnabas Cashwell known as “The Pentecostal Apostle to the South”. The event was honored by the presence of the local National Guard Unit, many veterans of the various wars, the Disabled American Veterans organization and the “All American Marching Band” of the 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The band played the theme song for all the branches of the military and then the “National Anthem” as the dedication entourage stood to their feet to honor our United States Military and our great nation as we remembered our veterans both living and dead who have protected our freedom and continue to do so today. Then we were honored to have several speakers and singers as we approached the unveiling ceremony at which time North Carolina Senator Harris Blake unveiled the beautiful marker. This marker stands on the corner of Cumberland Street (US 421) and South Wilson Avenue and directs people who read it to the site of the revival where in 1906 through January 1907 the great Holy Ghost Revival took place. This will be a long lasting gift to the city of Dunn by the State of North Carolina as it speaks to hearts from all over the country and the world regarding a small town preacher that never lived to know what he had done for God. This man did not receive accolades for his work while he lived but now he is known throughout the world and his name is recorded in books of many languages around the entire world.
(First CPMA Marker since 1973)
The day was hot and the crowd was tired but inside the church the Spirit of God was moving as the second dedication got underway at 11:00 AM. This was the one that many of us had anticipated as people from all walks of life and different faiths and colors assembled to celebrate the downpour from heaven that had come to Dunn in 1906 as G. B. Cashwell opened a new era for the South. It was much like the recorded meeting that he had with people of all faiths and colors. The Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterians, Holiness Church and many others gathered to seek for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and left that meeting as changed men and women for God. Our event was made up of an audience much like his was as we anticipated what God would do. The meeting started off with the guest speaker, Dr. Vinson Synan, author of many books on the holiness and Pentecostal movement in the United States, speaking on the historical significance of this site and the man behind the movement. Then the singers came and so did the wonderful power of God to visit with each of us as the Holy Ghost ministered to each one. As this marker was dedicated in the name of the Father, a white dove was released, in the name of the Son, another white dove was released and then in the name of the Holy Ghost, the third dove was released and they ascended high above and circled until the third dove joined the first two and then they headed home. You would have to be there to appreciate the beauty of this conclusion to the dedication ceremony.