About Us


Our Mission throughout the world is the same mission which Christ had, to seek and to save the lost souls. 
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
The rest which Jesus Christ offers to everyone is available only by believing on Him and allowing Him to be the Lord of your life.
While it is FREE to us it cost Him His life on Calvary, we are bought with the price of His blood!
We have a message of deliverance and hope for fallen man all over the world and we need our prayer partners and financial partners in order to accomplish our goals. Presently we are working in many countries of the world and without your gifts of love we would not be able to continue to reach these wonderful people for Christ and His Church.
One of our dreams is to build the school and orphanage in Nigeria, Africa where their government has donated some 60 acres of land for this purpose. It will be here at many children will receive both spiritual training and secular schooling to help them pull themselves up into a new world.
We know God’s love and provisions await us in this project and we will report its success soon by His help and yours.

You are loved by Him this very moment and He will see you through if you will only believe on Him!

For the success of His Church,

 John A. Wilkins, Jr.,

International Overseer


“Will you sincerely promise in the presence of God and these witnesses that you will accept this Bible as the Word of God – believe and practice its teachings rightly divided – the New Testament as your rule of faith and practice, government and discipline, and walk in the light to the best of your knowledge and ability?”

The answer is, “I WILL“.

This is a “perpetual covenant” that shall not be forgotten.


To stand in the gap and guard TRUTH with our very lives until Christ brings us all together in ONE with God, one faith, one mind and one Church for all.

Note: This page is under construction, please be patient with us as we develop it.


Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah. Psalms 60:4


      RED – Represents Christ’s Blood
      WHITE – Represents purity
      BLUE – Represents truth
      PURPLE – Represents Royalty


      SCEPTER – Authority
      STAR – Star of Bethlehem
      CROWN – Kingship
      BLUE BARS – (not connected at top and bottom) represents God’s sheep that are scattered and not all in the fold.

We accept no other banner than the one pictured here and do not intend for it to be altered in any way.  It is the Church Flag of 1933.

Others may sometimes display it wrongfully but it stands for TRUTH and if truth isn’t upheld, then it is a memorial against those that display it.

Who We Are

We are the same Church that Jesus Christ established on the Horns of Hittin when He called the twelve men to Him in fulfillment of prophecy thus making it the Church of Bible prophecy.

There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. Psalms 72:16 (KJV)

 Jesus fulfilled this approximately 27AD.

 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils: Mark 3:13-15 (KJV)

 The adoption of the Nicene Council of 325 AD officially placed the rule of the Church under the Roman State. This plunged the world into the period known as the “Dark Ages” and it would be some 1578 years before the dark veil would be removed by the “Arise Shine” of June 13, 1903.

Revival fire started to burn in 1896 during the Shearer School House Revival in Cherokee County, North Carolina. It was from these meetings that the fire kept spreading and being fanned by the same group of people present on June 13th 1903 when the actual launch of the Church this side the “Dark Ages” occurred. This was the true beginning of the open vision with the understanding that it is not going to be but is right now “The Church of God” of the Bible.

The “Arise Shine” launched the Church into an era of preaching and understanding not known since the days of the Apostles. This period was ushered in by men like Martin Luther preaching “Justification by Faith”, John Wesley preaching, “Perfection and Entire Sanctification”, Charles Parham and W. J. Seymour preaching, “The Baptism in the Holy Ghost” evidenced by speaking in tongues. A. J. Tomlinson, Richard J. Spurling, W. F. Bryant and others continued to fan these fires and the new organization experienced growth under theirleadership as they followed theocracy. These men were all building on the foundation that Christ had laid and no greater can any man lay.

 On June 13, 1903 a man by the name o f A. J. Tomlinson met with several men of like mind to search the Scriptures for more light and on that morning climbed up a mountain near Murphy, North Carolina to pray. It was there in what is now known as “The Fields of The Wood” that he received revelation from God as to what it took to make it the Church of God that Jesus told Peter He would build.

 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matt 16:15-18 (KJV)

 These men continued to follow this pattern with great success until man devised a way to disrupt this plan and cause division and disharmony among God’s Church and some 30 plus splits have occurred since that time. The facts are that God’s Church is still on time and the size does not make it His Church, but embracing the whole Bible rightly divided is what makes it His Church. In fulfillment of Isaiah 60:1 She arose on June 13, 1903 after being covered over with man-made creeds and doctrines for 1578 years but like the city of Pompeii she could not remain covered. Today She is once again reaching into the entire world ever so slowly advancing the doctrine so hated by man but honored by Her founder, Jesus Christ. He is the Head of His Church, not man. She will pull up on the shores of Glory someday with the corruption that man has tried to advance being left behind for the world to enjoy.

 We continue to walk in the light of the Lord and His precious Word to the best of our knowledge and ability and we take the whole Bible rightly divided with the New Testament as our rule of faith, practice and discipline. Our flag is the flag of 1933 which the Holy Ghost raised up when the enemy had come in like a flood to destroy God’s Church. It represents TRUTH and must be flown where TRUTH is preached or it is flown in error and without authority.

 This is “WHO WE ARE” nothing more and certainly nothing less, THE CHURCH OF GOD OF NORTH CAROLINA, the Church of the Bible and is international in mission and purpose.

John A. Wilkins, Jr.,
International Overseer